A friend told me I second guessed myself way too much. I forbade myself from looking at ANY books, topics, or anything that talked about the sabbats. It was hard to do, there were so many posts from people I respect and it was so tempting to look through them, just to see what they said. Though I stuck through with my goal and didn't look at anything. Yesterday I began making my plans, my mind was a BLANK, I had no idea what to do. So first, I began making a list of what I remembered Beltane honored and some traditions that I remembered from before.
Here's what I came up with:
Celebrates: Union between the god and goddess, the god is coming of age and his power is strengthening, spring is in full swing and is starting to turn into summer.
Tradition: Bonfire, May Pole, Morris Dance, Greet the dawn, Baking, Jumping fire, Bells, Last day to plant for summer.
Foods: Fruits, wild onions, mushrooms, berries, breads
Drinks: Juice, Wine, Water
Colors: Warm Colors (yellow, orange and red of varying shades)
I thought about that list while at the same time keeping in mind how busy my life is at the moment. I kept in mind that I don't know what I would have time for and what I wouldn't so I made my plans accordingly. This is what I have planned for Beltane:
Wake up early to witness the sun rising, dress in warm colored clothing and wear bell anklet. Make strawberry muffins for breakfast and drink some orange juice with it. Walk around outside and appreciate the nature. Make a chicken salad for lunch (include onions) and a tropical smoothie to drink with it. Light a candle for meditation and visual exercises.
These won't be right after each other but I do plan to do each. My alarm will be set to go off at 5:30 which is an hour before the sun rises. It'll be a warm day, up in the 80's, so I'll be wearing summer clothes. I may even do my meditation outside beneath the sun's rays to absorb it's energy and get a little bit of a tan before eating lunch.