Friday, May 31, 2013


Have you ever had one of those experiences where you were looking for a solution, then out of no-where an idea pops into your head that is the perfect solution? That is your intuition speaking to you.

Your intuition is shy, it's been (possibly) ignored for a long time and doesn't think that you will listen to it's sage advice. It is like a child that is always told "Shut up" or "Nobody cares", it is afraid that if it speaks up you won't acknowledge it. Like any child, it needs encouragement to learn to speak up again. So any time you hear it, follow it's advice and do what it says and eventually it'll start to speak to you more.

I still remember the first time my intuition spoke to me, I was 17. It was in the middle of a particularly hot day, and I wanted to go swimming for two reasons. (Because it was hot, and I love to swim!) However, when I suggested it to my mom, she said she didn't want to go get cooled off and then come back and get hot again by cooking over the stove, nor did she want to eat sandwiches either. It was too early in the day to cook, then go.

So, with the thought in mind that swimming was out of the question, I quit chasing the thought. The only thought I remember having is wishing that we could go swimming, and I was sitting on the back steps of the house we were renting watching our dogs play. Out of the blue my mind whispered to me "What about hot-dogs? They aren't cold like sandwiches and they cook so quickly that she wouldn't get hot standing over the stove. For that matter you could cook them, and she wouldn't have to." I was excited, here was a perfect solution!

I raced through the house to my mom and submitted the thought to her, with the offer to cook them myself if she still didn't want to stand over the stove. She thought about it for only a moment then agreed. I was able to go swimming!

Intuition comes from a combination of your own experiences and knowledge, both remembered and forgotten. So the advice is coming from within yourself, and ignoring your own advice... probably isn't the best of ideas, especially when you're smarter than you give yourself credit for. If you can't trust yourself, then who can you trust?

A more recent incident of my intuition talking to me (for anyone curious), was when I was making pancakes just yesterday. I make them from scratch and from time-to-time I like to throw in something extra like chocolate chips, fruit, recess pieces, M&Ms, etc. However we didn't have anything that I could add to the pancakes in the fridge. Then out of the blue my mind said "Cinnamon and Vanilla!" so without a moment's hesitation I said "Sounds great!" and went for it. The pancakes turned out pretty good.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Witch Bag

This idea came to me from a book I was reading. I don't remember exactly which one, but it was from the Discworld series one that had the witches in it. In the book it was called a midwifing bag and contained everything a midwife would need (and a few things she hoped she wouldn't need).

I don't carry a purse I put my phone, wallet and keys in my pockets and anything extra was carried in my hands. Then one day I thought how frustrating it was to find everything and get it together and ready to go. (I was carrying a lot at this time) and I remembered reading about the midwifing bag. So I thought "Why not make myself a Witch's Bag, it'll hold anything I need, and a few extras on occasion." and it was born.

To make a Witch's Bag all you need is a purse or tote bag from any shop. Something that is a comfortable size to you (not too small, not too bulky). I got mine at Dollar Tree and it's about half as tall as a tote bag with a little side pocket (mine is purple, but it can be any color you want). You can decorate it if you like, but it's not necessary. I plan to someday put a pentacle on that side pocket, probably one of those iron on's you can custom design.

Then put things in it you want to have handy at all times. This could be tools, journals, herbs, gems, (art) craft supplies, a book you're reading, and anything else. In mine I have a Journal to write in any visuals, a Styrofoam scrap-book to sketch in, a Steno-pad Notebook for any brainstorming, a reference book, a TINY Steno-pad for any lists I need to make, a TINY composition Notebook for correspondences, whatever book I'm reading, and a few extras from time-to-time. (Sometimes I put a drink in it and other little things I want to carry that day but won't fit in my pockets, and if I don't have pockets then it also holds my phone, wallet and keys. So mine's not strictly for witch supplies, but yours can be if you chose to.)

Now that you have your bag made, keep it in a location so that it's always handy to grab, then when you leave to go anywhere you can grab it and go!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Choosing a Shadows

There are many topics out there about making or picking a BOOK of shadows, something to write in or keep a physical copy of. However in this post I wish to talk about the different ways available to keep a shadows and then talk about the method I use.

Book of Shadows - Oh we all know about this one. You can make a BOS from a binder, or use a notebook, journal or one of the many blank books with fancy decorations for sell. Some type up their BOS pages and then print them out, while others stick to the pencil written method. The choice... is yours.

Stick of Shadows - This one I like to initial as SS. It's a lot like a book of shadows, except it's all electronic and kept on a USB data stick. There are many different styles and sizes available for these sticks, so you have just as much range to chose from as you do with a BOS. What I like about using a SS is that I can sort everything into folders, go in and edit my information easily as it's needed. I can insert pictures and images into the document and make a file for A list of all the herbs, or make a file for each individual herb. Also with it being so small and common it easily blends in, and can be easier to hide than a book!

Sketch Pad - This one I initial SPOS. The idea behind this is each day before bed, you sketch something to represent what happened that day or a replication of something you saw (like a sprite, or flower or something you want to capture). Around the image the person writes notes to help them remember what happened.

My Method - I use.... all of the above! I always have on me a journal to write in, and something I can doodle in just in case I am inspired while away from the house. If I have a vision, then I write about it in the journal filling as many pages as necessary, and if I envision or see something intriguing I do my best to draw it on paper.
When I am able to, I put it on my SS exactly as I wrote it. Anything additional I want to add I put it as a P.S. and number each additional (P.S.1, P.S.2, etc.). If I drew the image, then if possible I scan it onto the computer to put it in my stick, if not then I just keep up with it, making notes about what it was I saw and describing how it looked as well.My BOS is a Binder, sorted by Spells, Rituals, and Recipes. Those I keep on my SS and print out a copy to put in my BOS which I bought protector sheets for at Staples.

Find the method that works best for you, it may take years or it could be instantly obvious. If none of the above seems good, then invent your own! Keeping a record is all that matters, HOW you keep that record is up to you!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Correspondences and Meanings

There are several lists on the internet for different meanings for colors, totems, etc. However if you look through them, you'll find that many of them have differences. Before I get into the reason behind this though, lets do some talk about how magick works.

Magick (as many of us have learned) is powered by the subconscious mind, which then manipulates us and our surrounding energies to bring about the result we have told it to (the subconscious is also where messages to the deities are sent and received). When we are performing a spell, ritual or any source of magick we are telling our subconscious mind what we want.It is important to understand the language your own subconscious speaks. You wouldn't walk up to someone and begin speaking a language they don't know, so should you also learn to communicate with the subconscious mind.

Images, colors and feelings is the language of the subconscious mind. However each mind has a different slang it speaks (just as people from the Northern USA and Southern USA have different terminology in some areas). It is for this reason it is best to make your OWN list of correspondences and meanings. You can use other lists as guides to help you get started, as long as you remember it may not hold true for you and to edit any parts that doesn't hold true.

List any colors that you use or relate to regularly. It's best to do the ROY G. BIV  (Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet) to start then add to it colors that you also feel should be included (Pink, Silver, Gold, Brown, White, Black, Lavender etc.). Once you've made your list, start writing down thoughts and whatever comes to your mind for the color. Does it make you think of health, danger, children, joy, etc?

Do this with other lists. Animals, Food, etc. You might add to the list later on so don't worry about getting every single one, just write down the ones that come to mind. One list you shouldn't make on your own is Incense, Oils, and Herbs as those have had study gone into them. Incense and Oils are usually based on aromatherapy techniques and Herbs are usually studied thoroughly.
With Gems I use a combination of Premade and Personal. I use my colors to help interpret what it's for, then I go to a premade list of gems and combine the meaning. Like Tiger's Eye is supposed to be protection, but I go to my color list and see that the Blue means dreams and fortune telling, so with those two in hand I determine that Blue Tiger's Eye (for me) is protection during dreams and any divination.

It is important to use what works best for you, sure there are some that follow by the book but for the best outcome your own method is the one to choose.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wand Making

I decided to try my hand at making wands. I don't know why it just struck me to make a wand one day. 

This is the first wand I made, I made this just last Wednesday on May 22, 2013. I loved the way it turned out and the feel of the handle. It was SOOO comfortable. However the wand basically was like "I hope you know I aint yours." So frustrated I wondered "Whose are you then?" I kept thinking of a local friend of mine that was just starting her collection. After snapping this picture I asked if it was hers, it called to her so loudly that she knew it was hers from the image alone. So the following Friday morning I delivered it.

The Above image is the bottom of my second wand. I decided to try to use wire wrapping and crazy glue by itself to hold the gems on. The bottom has a turquoise on it, I don't know why but that's what the wand wanted.

This is the top of the same wand, I don't know the name of the gem on it and I'm sure the image is too small to see. It's got some pale green on it. For this part I also drilled a bit of a hole in it to hold the wand on it.

And this is the full length of the second wand. It's a bit bigger than I'm comfortable with, but this one claimed me. I feel I didn't do too bad with the wire and crazy glue (need a little more practice) and I plan to begin working on carving designs into the wood. I've got me a few sticks to practice with, all of which feels like good wand sticks. One of them wants an amethyst on the end (where it has a Y at, and it wants to keep that Y). 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Parental Troubles

Okay, so you finally told your parents you are a witch, wiccan or pagan only to have them not take it as well as you hoped. They have forbidden you from practicing or anything of the sort, or some other action. Either way they don't accept what you are. This is a problem that I didn't face myself, but think is important to discuss.

Find out what you can do. Do they just not want you practicing on the property, or do they not want you practicing at all. Regardless of the answer, RESPECT IT. This is very important, they are your parents and are doing their best to protect you from what they perceive to be a danger to you.

If they don't want you to practice your path, ask if it's okay that you read into it a bit more and do some research on the subject. Invite them to study with you so that they know what you are learning, can supervise what you learn, and perhaps in time they might be a bit more understanding of it.

If they refuse to learn with you, or allow you to learn there are other things you can learn that will help you in the future. I'm not going to encourage you to go behind their back, though it is possible to do so if you are creative about it. I want you to RESPECT your parents wishes, even if you're not happy with what they have said.

Below are a list of things you can study and do that your parents (no matter how against it they are) should be okay with that will also be useful in the craft later on. You can tell them why you want to learn/do them, but if they are completely against anything to do with the craft, then it's okay to keep it quiet.

Sewing, Cooking, Gardening, Carving, Art (in any form), Music, Classic texts (like Iliad, The Odyssey, and others that include some mythology in them).

Herb Garden for kitchen spices ONLY, Charity Work (no matter if it's with their church, you are still helping people), Environmental Work, Meditate, Work on Visualizing, Nature Walks, Gardening.

Adjust these lists based on what is available to you, and what your parents will allow you to do. With Meditation, I only want you to work on focal and not quests because then you would be practicing. Be as open with your parents as reasonably possible as you can, and remember to respect their wishes. It won't be long before you'll have your own place and can be as open about it as you like, or remain in the closet if it'll cause too much problems with your parents. The choice is yours.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Like with meditation, affirmations are something someone who has no tools would still be able to do. What are affirmations? An affirmation is a simple statement of what you want to change, but it gets tricky too because there are a few simple rules.

1. First off, one of the most important, you can't use any form of "no" or "not". These are negations and the energies won't recognize them. This includes words like "can't" which is a combination of "can" and "not", words like "never" because it is "not" and "ever", and other similar words.

2. Do not use any words with a negative attribute. An affirmation like "I am free of sickness" will not work because the word "sickness" by itself just sounds bad. Think about it for a moment, just the word "sickness" and see how it makes you feel. Not very pleasant. A better affirmation would be "I am healthy". Sounds better doesn't it?

3. An affirmation must be clear, precise yet simple. If it's too complex it won't stick as well, if it's too vague then the results might be unwelcome. So you don't want "I will get a job" because then it would take longer to manifest. Perhaps something more exact, like "I will get a job by the end of (week/month)". If the affirmation is to change something, like wight for example, then it would be "I am ___ every day" or "I will ___ by the end of (week/month)"

4. Last rule and the MOST important. You want to believe this affirmation, you want to convince yourself it's true on the deepest of levels. For that reason you are to repeat it to yourself multiple times, in a convincing tone. If you don't believe it is possible, then it will not work. You must be able to believe it can be done, then convince yourself it IS being done. If the energies inside you believe that you are really losing weight (for example) then it will begin to adjust itself to that reality.

Armed with understanding of how affirmations work, you'll be able to make your own affirmations in no time, and personalize them better to fit your needs. Affirmations don't need to be more than a sentence long, and so you don't need to worry about making sure they rhyme. While writing your affirmation, take a pencil and paper and work on it. Replace words as needed, reword it and rearrange the wording, and edit it until you have it down. Some of you might be able to toss an affirmation right out of the blue, but others may need to work on it for a while.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Meditation is so flexible, and it's something we can easily do with no tools. In fact, meditating is something that can be done by someone that just started and are eager to begin practicing. Thinking about that earlier, I felt that it would be useful to talk about the different types of meditation.

The most commonly known meditation, is probably the task of focal. Some people chant a word repeatedly and some focus on nothingness.
Chanting: The most used word is "Om" or "Ah" and is said repeatedly. During this they focus on the sound and feel of their voice as it vibrates through their body and fills their ears, until their whole world is nothing but this sound.
Nothing: The idea here is to block out all thoughts and outside noises. It is often done in a quiet place when beginning, which makes it easier. Some are so skilled at this that they can even manage it in a noisy place (like a concert)!

A lesser but still commonly known form of meditation, is contemplation. This is used mostly to entertain deep thinking, to understand an idea or a thought. The person thinks about what it means to them and if they agree with it or not. This is probably the most used form of meditation, since everyone has done so at one point in their life. Surely you've been asked a question that you had to think about before answering, while you consider how you felt about it, what you think about it, and/or how to answer the question to the best of your abilities.

Among practitioners of the craft, the most known form is a visual quest. In this meditation, you begin on a journey into the other world where you will meet with your guide. It is often used to gain insight on a problem, but is also used just to get better acquainted with the guide. You often have a clear goal in mind when you begin the quest, and it takes practice to be able to do this.

Probably the least known form of meditation is imagery. In this one, you focus on an image or picture until you can hold it in your mind. Sometime you manipulate the image (like I described in the visual exercise), while other times you may watch a rose bloom or close.

Combining contemplation, focal, and imagery bring about a new meditation. Magickal work. In this the person focuses on the goal, while imagining success in their mind, and contemplating how much it will effect them. In order of the steps, first a person will contemplate over what the goal should be and how it will affect them, then they focus on the goal and imagine it happening, using their will to bring it to fruition.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Visual Quest Tips and Visual Exercise

For years I'd have troubles with visual quests. I'd start on them, the image would flicker out and I'd restart the quest, never getting further than the first little bit.

However, a month or so back I did my quest differently. Instead of restarting when the image would flicker, I'd summon back the last thing I saw and keep on trekking. Instead of going back to the beginning when I thought I was inserting stuff, I'd simply ignore it and wipe it out going backwards to just before I inserted it. Y'know what? It worked.

I hadn't done many visual quests before that because I wanted to be able to hold a mental image for long enough to complete a quest before I would embark on one. It never occurred to me to do it anyways and just keep at it, so I wanted to make this post in case someone else was experiencing the same thing I was.

It's okay if you can't hold an image, or if you're afraid you won't see anything that you didn't insert yourself. Most quests have a bit of a walking bit as the start, at first I didn't think much of them. However think of the traveling in the beginning as warm up exercises. Don't stop just because an image flickers out, bring it back and continue on, and if you think you might have influenced part of it rewind just a bit and try to avoid anticipating something.

If you'd like to do some visual exercises without going on a quest, try to imagine something. My exercises begin with a piece of paper, then I change the paper's color, then I draw shapes on the paper. Sometimes I have a white paper and focus on changing the shapes and giving them colors, sometimes I have a blue paper with a yellow heart, or green paper with a purple star... I find this exercise easier and more rewarding than memorizing an object then visualizing it, because these are things more familiar to us and we can be more imaginative with them. I've also used this exercise to try to remember how to make something by experimenting with the paper until I've remembered the correct way to make it. (So far, I've remembered how to make a paper boat and one of those paper fortune teller things... I've yet to remember how to make a paper cup.. I don't think I made that one enough to remember it.. Maybe next time I'll try to remember how to make that airplane I used to always make..)