When you open your eyes and really notice the world around you, then the hidden beauty of the world becomes visible. Here are a couple of my discoveries I've made since I opened my eyes.
One day I was sitting outside of a shelter, smoking my cigarette, and just relaxing when I noticed something odd about the treeline in front of me. The best way I could describe what I saw is to call it invisible rain. It wasn't raining at all, and it was late evening with a clear sky, yet it looked like there was a light drizzle coming down. You know how the rain stands out more against something dark (such as a treeline). I remember once my first guide on the path told me that someone in her family had taught her to see the energy of the trees, and she said it was easier to see in the evening. So I called her and described what I was seeing and asked if I was seeing the energy. She proudly confirmed that, yes, that was what I was seeing. I was so very excited. Since then I have learned that its easiest to see against a treeline at dawn or dusk and when not looking in the same direction that the sun is at during that time.
This next discovery is best described as the dark of the moon. I was coming out of class one night, and I happened to look up at the moon just right. Now I always look at the moon, but usually in a passing glance looking at the illuminated part. This time, however, my eyes landed on the part surrounded by the illuminated part. The moon was waning and very close to being a dark/new moon. When my eyes landed upon that part of the moon, I could make out the rest of the moon, it just wasn't illuminated. I thought this was so awesome I had to share it with some of my buddies. A few of them had seen it but didn't know how to describe it, I went out to look again another time, but couldn't see it. This one is easiest seen when there is just a sliver of the moon illuminated, like a thin thumbnail.
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