Saturday, June 29, 2013

Magick: White, Black, Gray

There are some (Christians and similar mainly) that would say all magick is black. However I'm going to explain what I consider for each shade and perhaps give some examples to help make things clearer.

White Magick: What I consider white magick is the magick done to benefit someone else with the other's permission. An example would be if someone asked you to do some healing magick for them, or you get permission to perform magick to help the other balance their emotions.

Grey Magick: To me, grey magick is two things. Magick done for the self, and beneficial magick done without permission. I consider self-magick grey because of the controversy behind wither or not you should cast for yourself. Some consider it to be greedy and not good, while others say there is no reason you can't use magick to help yourself along. A good example of beneficial magick done without permission .. say you have a friend that is so terribly sick that you can't get permission from them to help heal them. You're not sure if they want the healing or are giving up, but you do know that they have given permission before.

Black magick: Black Magick to me is any harmful magick or manipulative magick done. Some say that there is nothing wrong with cursing someone, but I believe Karma knows the situation better than we do and can give a more Fair justice than we as humans are capable of doing. Manipulative magick is any magick that controls someone, like casting a love spell on that hot boy or asking that the teacher give you an A.

Banishing people is something I"m unsure of. At the very least I would say it is grey magick. Because one you are casting it for yourself (maybe another) and two you don't ask the permission of the one you are banishing. However it's something that occasionally is needed, and something I'd do after all mundane attempts has failed.

These definitions and explanations may not be true in your eyes, you might have a different opinion about what is white, black or grey but as I said earlier: This is how I see things. A good rule of thumb in my book, Never cast for another without their permission. You don't know if they want the results or not (look at what happened in Practical Magick when the Aunts gave her just a push in a love spell!) and you can't know the entire honest to goddess truth behind it as well as they do so you can't judge for sure.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Obviously there are many types of growth the average witch goes through. You grow in body, mind, spirit, and more. Everything that enters your life, be it good or bad, is a point of growth for you or another. Let's say someone enters your life and you can't possibly grow from them, perhaps you were meant to help them grow.

When growth (for you or the other) is no longer available, then you'll part ways. I know it's sad, but at this time the growth will be finished as well as the interaction. A good example of this is a close friend that you no longer talk to or care for as much as you once did, eventually the two of you stop talking or interacting at all. You never forget that friend, but both of you has grown as much as possible from the friendship and are moving on to more growth.

However, there are some growths that never end. A good example of *this* would be that close friend that you're still as close to today as you were when the friendship first began. My theory of this is multiple. The two of you are constantly growing with and because of each other. Another thought is that your spirits are connected, either because you've been close in a previous life or because they are part of your life lesson.

A warning though, not all things are meant to be dealt with. Some of them may just be making you grow so that you stand up for yourself. If you don't feel improvement from the event or person perhaps you are meant to learn to cut ties from it. A good example would be a neighbor that is always inconveniencing you. The growth here is for you to have strength to say "enough is enough" and stand up for yourself. You may still be able to help them grow, but if no matter what you do the person is constantly bringing you down then there is no growth available there.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Interacting with Altar

Yay! Another alter post. However, it is important that you interact with your altar regularly. Think of a room, if you never go into it, or have anything to do with it, then eventually it will become stale, full of dust, and isn't as welcoming as you would like. Your altar is just like that, if you don't interact with it, and just ignore it, then it will grow stale, be covered in dust and won't be as welcoming to any deities or beings that wish to visit it.

Cleaning Altar: Not only should you clean and cleanse your altar space when you first set it up, but you should do so regularly to keep both physical dust and clutter as well as metaphysical dust and clutter clear from it. Keep it looking and feeling nice. It doesn't have to be as regular as cleaning a real room, about once a month should be just enough to keep your altar clean and cleansed.

Updating Altar: Think of your house, it has furniture and some stuff that stays year around, but some things change throughout the year. Decorations, items are added and removed, and more. Just like you're altar. You should keep it with the seasons, change the cloth (if possible) to match what season or Sabbat you are celebrating. As you grow and change, so will your altar. You might add or remove tools and decorations as new stuff and information present themselves to you.

Praying: No, not in the Christian use of the word. Any kind of spell work or meditation or wish. Perhaps light an incense on your altar and say "This day is blessed" or light a candle for a short time and focus on a goal or desire you have for the day, week, month or year. You could also just take a moment each day and say "thank you" for whatever reason, or to greet your altar and/or the deities and beings that are welcome there.

Those are just some basic ideas that should get you started and being comfortable in interacting with your altar. Perhaps you know of other ways, or you will discover new ways to interact with it. The altar is not a piece of furniture to be used only when desired, but something that should be cared for and visited with. It's alive... kind of like a dog or cat. Those need cleaning, company, and will grow and change with the seasons. You wouldn't ignore your pet, don't ignore your altar!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fluffy Bunnies

There are many types of fluffy bunnies, some that are worse or better than others. Fluffy bunnies read one book or maybe two and suddenly consider themselves an expert. Or perhaps they got all their information off the internet and is TOTALLY misinformed. Though some fluffy bunnies are willing to be corrected, not all are. It's those that don't want to be corrected we have to worry about, because they will just turn around and teach their own twist on things to others, not allowing others to learn their own way with gentle guidance. They are frustrating, annoying, and a pain in the arse.

A good fluffy bunny, while allowing to be corrected, will also be respectful of other members and the one they approached. They admit errors, will allow facts to be corrected and are open minded to new ideas or viewpoints. These are the ones we don't mind having around, because they are excited but willing to grow and improve.

A bad fluffy bunny generally shows no respect for other members, is ALWAYS right on all believes and if you express how you believe and see things you will be corrected on it and told what is the truth. They use terms like "only close minded" or "those full of hate" to comment on who wouldn't agree with him. Some claim to have more power than they actually do (able to become something else, able to make bad spirits nervous, etc.) and cannot stand being in any position if it's not a leading role. They don't listen, and only hear what is said. They refuse to cooperate, or support, only putting in their own ideas.

This is why a year and a day of constant studying is SOOO important in the craft. It prevents you from becoming a fluffy bunny, No way will you learn all there is to learn from this amount of time, but you will learn enough to be able to participate respectfully among the other members, you will learn enough to where you're only making mistakes and not a fool of yourself.

Fluffy bunnies, you are not impressing anyone. When you step up claiming that you are such and such, those that are more experienced can see through you. We can see that you are full of it, we know our facts and often laugh at you rather than respect you when you do this. If you want respect, then you have to earn that respect both by being respectful in turn and actually knowing a little about what you are talking about. I know magick is exciting, but take the time to learn and you will be better for it!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Visual Exercises

I talked about this a little before, but now I would like to go into more detail. No matter how much you progress, its something you're going to need to do on a daily basis, treat it like you would any other exercise you were serious about doing. Your visualization will improve and/or stay in shape if this is done regularly.

The easiest would be a piece of paper, nothing special about it, other than it can change colors! Yep, imagine it being different colors. Or perhaps draw a simple shape on it (circle, star, triangle, all those shapes you learned in kindergarten), and make the shape change colors. Or you could make both change colors (red star, blue paper).

Let's make it a little more complicated now. With a plane sheet of paper, try remembering (don't cheat and look it up, you'd only be cheating yourself) how to fold.. a paper boat, one of those paper fortune teller things, a sailor's hat, or a paper cup. Or anything you used to make a lot of as a child. Try to remember you're favorite way of making it. Once you get good at them, why not concentrate on keeping the paper a certain color (blue, green, any color other than the normal color) while you fold the paper.

Want to increase the difficulty of either of these, give it a smell, or a sound, perhaps a taste. Make the paper blue, with the sound of trickling water and the taste of the ocean, perhaps the paper feels like water or it's made of water! That is only a simple example of how complex you could make it.

Be inventive, if it's a mild challenge then go ahead, if you can't manage it then make it a bit easier until you can! Work on them regularly, perhaps you can focus on the simplest for a week and slowly make it more difficult. Maybe you want to continue with the easier ones while you improve on more complicated ones (good warm up idea). How you do it is up to you.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Celebrating Sabbats 2

Last time I focused on those that were in the broom closet and couldn't talk about it. I gave tips for those in a group or those going solo for the time being. This time I will follow a similar concept, only instead I will focus on those that can express themselves but don't have *any* spare money.  You can combine the two (like if both of them fit, hiding and no money) if you need, or adjust the tips and ideas if you have a bit more than this available to you.

Broke- Group
Yule: Gather Holly, Mistletoe, and other evergreens and hang them up as decorations. You don't need to put glitter or paint as in the olden times the items themselves were considered decorative. Perhaps a ribbon or something, it doesn't have to be glitter. You're group could agree to make gifts for eachother to exchange, or perhaps instead of giving gifts, perhaps you could exchange services (like readings, healings, etc.) or just bless each other.
Imbolc: Leave a light on in every room for an hour, and/or light a candle in each room and let it burn out.
Ostara: You could celebrate the mundane way if possible (hunting eggs), or you could spend time planting a garden (if possible), enjoy the spring air outside (weather permitting). 
Beltane: Singing, dancing, bonfire and playing games. If you plan those right, it'll just look like a family having fun. Feel free to invite rest of family to join in if they wish to, the bonfire might not be possible, but you can make up a game to play that requires nothing if needed.
Litha: Sing, dance, and make merry. This time of the year crops are doing well and everyone is joyful of the abundance. This holiday is mostly for enjoyment. 
Lammas: First harvest, why not get out into the field as a family and harvest your plants or herbs if you've grown some. If not, then perhaps just gather together and make music.
Mabon: Celebrated Like thanksgiving really. Plan a picnic outside beneath a large tree, you could make it a game where before each serving of each item someone has to name one thing/person/event they are grateful for.
Samhain: Celebrate it the "mundane" way, only after trick or treating have a short dumb supper afterwards and let the children remember their lost loved ones in their own way before bed, while the adults do so in their way.

Yule: Gather Holly, Mistletoe, and other evergreens and hang them up as decorations. You don't need to put glitter or paint as in the olden times the items themselves were considered decorative. Perhaps a ribbon or something, it doesn't have to be glitter.
Imbolc: Leave a light on in every room for an hour, and/or light a candle in each room and let it burn out.
Ostara: You could celebrate the mundane way if possible (hunting eggs), or you could spend time planting a garden (if possible), enjoy the spring air outside (weather permitting). 
Beltane: Singing, dancing, bonfire and playing games. The bonfire might not be possible, but you could always play a one player game (not virtual, something that you have to physically do) or make one up.
Litha: Sing, dance, and make merry. This time of the year crops are doing well and everyone is joyful of the abundance. This holiday is mostly for enjoyment. 
Lammas: First harvest, why not get out into the field and harvest your plants or herbs if you've grown some. If not, then perhaps just make music.
Mabon: Celebrated Like thanksgiving really. Plan a picnic outside beneath a large tree, you could make it a game where before each serving of each item you have to name one thing/person/event they are grateful for.
Samhain: Celebrate it the "mundane" way, only after trick or treating have a short dumb supper afterwards and remember your lost loved ones in your own way before bed..

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Celebrating Sabbats 1

Today I will be with my group and a sister group celebrating Litha this evening. Which got me to thinking, I hadn't talked about how to celebrate the sabbats yet. Again I am basically focusing on those that can't be as outspoken for one reason or another. So on the next two posts I will talk about ways to celebrate if you're in the closet, or if you simply can't afford tools. I will cover both of those for solitaires and groups. Well not quite 'cover' more like give some suggestions that you can use or perhaps they'll spark some ideas for how you can celebrate it. As always only you know your situation and how you can do it. For this one, let's focus on those that are in hiding.

Hiding - Group
Yule: Christmas is already pretty pagan, except for the story it tells. Yule included decorating, eating, dancing, singing, and gift exchange. Perhaps you could decorate your place on yule, while singing and dancing, then do the eating and gift exchange on Christmas with the rest of the family?
Imbolc: Leave a light on in every room for an hour, and/or light a candle in each room and let it burn out.
Ostara: Easter is already pretty pagan as well. Perhaps you can color eggs on Ostara (Unless Easter is too long away) and nibble on chocolate. Then hunt and eat with the rest of the family. If Easter is too far away, then perhaps you could make other Easter decorations (that could be both Easter and Ostara) to hang out and decorate with.
Beltane: Singing, dancing, bonfire and playing games. If you plan those right, it'll just look like a family having fun. Feel free to invite rest of family to join in if they wish to.
Litha: BBQ outside while listening to music and splashing in the water.
Lammas: First harvest, why not get out into the field as a family and harvest your plants or herbs if you've grown some. If not, then perhaps plan a big meal and invite some family that you want to share it with.
Mabon: Celebrated Like thanksgiving really. Excuse could be "Don't have to wait till thanksgiving to be thankful"
Samhain: Celebrate it the "mundane" way, only after trick or treating have a short dumb supper afterwards and let the children remember their lost loved ones in their own way before bed, while the adults do so in their way.

Hiding - Solo
Yule: Christmas is already pretty pagan, except for the story it tells. Yule included decorating, eating, dancing, singing, and gift exchange. Perhaps you could decorate your place on yule, while singing and dancing, then do the eating and gift exchange on Christmas with the rest of the family?
Imbolc: Leave a light on in every room for an hour, and/or light a candle in each room and let it burn out.
Ostara: Plant a garden of either flower, herbal, or other. If no room for a garden then how about planting a single seed?
Beltane: Sing some of your favorite songs while dancing, or make your own music. Perhaps drink some fruit (fermented or regular) juice.
Litha: Go swimming, tan under the sun, or just generally enjoy the outdoors.
Lammas: First harvest, why not get out into the field and harvest your plants or herbs if you've grown some. If not, then perhaps plan a big meal and invite some family that you want to share it with.
Mabon: Make a list of everything you are grateful for, then make a small meal and share with your dietie(s) while you express your gratitude
.Samhain: Celebrate it the "mundane" way, only after trick or treating have a short dumb supper afterwards and remember your lost loved ones in your own way before bed.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

God or Goddess Symbol Exercise

"Having fully familiarized yourself with your personal symbol, relax to a meditative posture and visualise it as strongly as you are able. Then amplify the symbol in your mind's eye until it becomes large enough to create a seat for you to mount or relax into.

"Once you feel comfortable and absolutely secure in your hold, proceed as follows: start to rotate your symbol clockwise, slowly at first but increasing speed as you spin. Close your psychic eye so that you do not feel dizzy. You may find that you need to give the whole process a little encouraging push to start with, although some people who have tried this have gained momentum with a minimum of mental effort. The time taken is of no consequence, and will again vary with the individual. For a moment or two you will spin and then you will slow down, come to a halt, and land somewhere in outer time. Using your mind's eye, look around: the first thing you see will be an archetype appropriate to you who will greet you or give you some point of reference. In your terms of reference, it could be a god or a goddess, a maternal or paternal figure, a personality associated with the particular religious faith which has influenced your terrestrial programming, or a cosmic being. But whomever you see will represent the other half of your natural spiritual polarity."

Practical Solitary Magic, Appendix B pages 235-236.

Notes: When I did this and it stopped spinning I was alone. There was no one around and something urged me to walk to them. The one I met gave me an item to be used as my symbol. Perhaps they will point to something or give you something but they will help you after you have made it clear what you are looking for.
Don't be afraid to sit around and visit for a while afterwards, either by sitting (or standing) in companionable silence or hugging them. Take your cues from the person you meet and spend time with them, get to know the name or who it is. If you ask or are curious you will either be told or shown by symbols that you can't mistake. (Like winged shoes for Hermes, growing fields for Demeter, or a bolt of lightening for Zeus!)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Personal Symbol Exercise

"Lie down or seat yourself comfortably, close your eyes, and take an imaginary journey backwards in linear time to the moment of your birth. Some people I have spoken to tell me that they have visualized this rather like playing a film backwards, so that the end progresses towards the beginning.

"Visualize yourself poised to ensoul the embryo that is to become your present self, and enter the womb at the point of your actual conception. Pause for one moment to 'feel' the energies surrounding you and become aware of a silver cord which connects the spiritual 'you' to its physical counterpart. then slowly start to move forward in time, passing through your embryonic growth and the drama of your birth. Take hold of the silver cord and pull it along with you as you proceed forward towards the present. As you pass through the experiences of childhood, pause here and there to register particularly important or traumatic experience or meaningful event, great happiness, pain or new awareness, and record each incident by making a knot in your silver cord. Continue your mental travels through your teenage years forward to whichever part of your life you have now reached, but always imbibing the sensations of each significant episode and knotting your cord accordingly.

" You will finally arrive in the present, trailing your knotted silver cord. Here is what you do next: take the conception end and join it to the point which represents the present, thus creating a circle after the style of the Ouroborus, the serpent eating its own tail. This circle will represent the sum total of your inner and outer time experiences as related to the 'now.' Continuing to employ your creative imagination, lay the circle flat and step into the center. You will immediately find yourself gradually sinking fearlessly through a gentle darkness, to eventually touch down in what can only be described as the primordial womb.

" This experience will vary with each individual. Keep relaxed, breathe slowly and deeply, and you will find yourself automatically rising, but the way in which you rise will again be unique to you. But ascend you will, and very soon you will arrive at the top of this deep well of your experience. The first thing you see when you reach the top will be your own personal symbol."

Practical Solitary Magic, Appendix B page 233-234.

Tips: Climb until you cannot climb no more, if you can go up then go up until you read a point where you cannot possibly in any way go higher. If you don't see anything but a scene or a view, then look around again there may be more to climb that you didn't over look (or your spirit may be taking a quick rest and so hid it from view until ready to climb further).
When I did this exercise I thought I had reached the top thrice, it wasn't until I reached a dead end with no way to go anywhere but back down that I finally found my symbol.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Visual Quests (Intro)

I don't recall if I've said this before or not, but my visualization skills left something to be desired for the LONGEST time. I'd read about a quest, then not be able to complete it, as if I kept coming up against a brick wall! I was so frustrated and I would try regularly to do a visual quest. My problem was that I kept restarting when the visual flickered out, rather than picking up where I left off.

Have you been doing your visual exercises lately? If so, then I'm sure you've noticed an improvement on how well you can picture it, and how you are able to hold it a little longer. Have you also noticed that you are able to pick back up where the thread was lost (this skill probably comes from the folding paper trick I talked about)? It will take lots of time dedicated to practice before you are able to hold a visual for very long, or improve upon it. However, don't let that dissuade you from practicing!

I want to share with you two quests that were the first I successfully completed! They both come form Practical Solitary Magic by Nancy B. Watson (if you have the book or have read it then you're probably already familiar with them). A tiny part of me wants to share my journey with you, but it feels personal something that I'd only put in my Mirrors. Every quest will be a little different, so don't feel discouraged if you read someone's sometime and see that it's different, or you try after reading theirs and see that your quest is laid out differently.

Beneath Each quest I will give the page number and other necessary information followed by tips and advice to help you along the way. My first piece of advice is to read all of the quest (at least) before beginning. You don't have to know each individual step word-for-word to partake, you only need to know what to look for and what to do.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


AH! Another added to the millions of sources already available on the internet! Rather than going on about the importance of grounding (since most of you already know that) I'm going to try to make a list of different ways to ground. If I miss one, please let me know as I'd like to include all methods if possible.

  • Visualizing an orange tap root from the base of your spine to the center of the earth taking excess energy.
  • Placing your forehead on the floor/ground/stone.
  • Eating bread and drinking juice (cakes and ale)
  • Standing barefoot on the ground (outside of a circle, inside you won't ground as a circle contains energies)
  • Putting a bit of salt on your tongue.
  • Adult "recreation" (if you don't know what I mean, you're too young)
  • Holding a magnet, hematite or other grounding gem.
  • Hugging a tree (or reclining against it if you're shy about being seen).
  • Visualizing extra energy flowing down into the earth.
There are probably countless many more ways, this list will get you started. Again if I miss any please don't hesitate to let me know or add it in the comment section below. Now, if you know why it's important to ground you may stop reading (or continue reading if you want to see if I have my facts straight or not), if you don't I will now cover that.

After a spell/ritual, there is excess energy left over since you're unlikely to expel all of the energy during a spell/ritual. You'll feel it once you've completed your first, many react differently to it too. Some feel drunk, dizzy, weak, exhausted, hyper, fuzzy, and the list goes on. You might enjoy it for a little while, but carrying it around with you could lead to some unforeseeable problems so be sure to always ground to release any excess energy (or restore energy if you are low, since this happens too).

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ritual Shower

There are many topics for taking a cleansing bath before performing a ritual. Basically to put salt in the water and wash off the negative energy by soaking and willing the water to take away all your troubles. However, not everyone has a tub, or even a comfortable tub and can only take showers. Here are some solutions to that problem.

One I've heard about but never tried, is a sponge bath. I don't feel sponge baths get me as clean as a bath or shower, but if you are already clean and just need to cleanse then it should work. You basically fill up the sink the same way you would for a bath, and use a rag or sponge to wash away the negativity. Some prefer this method because they feel the physical act of washing helps focus their unconscious to cleanse away the inner dirt as well (negativity).

A method similar to the one above, has you simply washing your hands, face, pulse points (neck and wrists) and feet once the sink is filled. This would be handy if you don't want to take off your garments for one reason or another, or don't have the time to do a full sponge bath.

Another solution is one I've been thinking up how to do for a while now. I haven't tried it yet cause although my tub isn't the most comfortable I can still use it for baths when the need arises. It's a shower version of the bath. In this one you need some shower gel, salt (or bath salt) and a container to mix them in. Then you wash yourself thoroughly with the mixture, and let the salt wash the inner dirt while the gel washes the outer dirt and the water rinses them away!

You could also go into your inner temple (if you are clean and don't need washing) and wash your spirit there. Remember me talking about that earlier? You could mime washing yourself while you are mentally in your temple (though you may want to do this by yourself!) washing up, if you feel the physical act will help it along, or you could just see yourself in your temple washing up. This is more for those that can't have the privacy to do a sponge bath, or don't want to take a full shower when already clean, or if the bathroom is already occupied and you'd rather not wait.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sanctuary or Special Room

I'm not sure how common this knowledge is, since I don't hear about one often. You can call it whatever you like "Sanctuary", "Special Room/Area", "Working Space" or any other name that you think up. It's basically a room, building or just an area or space that you set aside just for your path. It can contain your altar, books, tools, and anything else you will use in your workings in the path. This space is usually kept cleansed and given physical as well as a spiritual boundary and only entered for workings.

Not all will have the availability to set up something like this. I know I haven't, though I do want one some day. I won't tell you how to make one, cause only you know what you will put it in, how much space you have, or even what you like.

I will give a few suggestions of what you can do within it.
Crafting - Making anything really; spell, ritual, tools, etc.
Casting - If you contain your alter in it, you can cast your circle and spells as well.
Preparation - You can prepare yourself (clothing, anointing, accessories, etc.) tools, and so much more.
Mind - You can meditate, study, or even write in your Shadows or Mirrors.
There is no limit really to what kind of path working you can do within.

For ideas of how to section it off (if it's just an area in a room) you could use the way your furniture is arranged, or room dividers. I don't have a room that I can set up just for my magickal workings, but I am considering re-arranging my bedroom (to keep my dog from smashing down the back of my futon mattress when he climbs up to look out the window) and  I just might Include a plan to set up a sacred space as well!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pagan Etiquette

I found two very well written articles that cover this better than I could have on my own. So in order to give credit to the authors, I will provide a link to both articles. The first one focuses mainly on how to behave during a festival, while the second one covers a bit more than just festivals (including regular gatherings and more).

Festival Etiquette

All Events

I have had my eyes opened since reading these, and realized I did a major no-no my last gathering in taking pictures. I'll be sure not to repeat that mistake again and ask first making sure all know where the photos will be posted at. I have corrected this mistake by removing all the pictures that were posted and asked for forgiveness.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Smile, for you are a practitioner. You are in controle of your life and no body should be allowed to take that from you.
Everyone makes mistakes, the important thing to remember is to learn from them and move on.
Listen to the voice within you, for it knows you better than you know yourself.
Find yourself, and be yourself. For no-one is like you and you are here for an important reason.

Look inside, see that spirit? It's so beautiful and deserving of love.
Only one person exists on this earth that can understand and love that spirit in the way it deserves.
Very few know it to be true, but the only person that can do so, is you.
Enjoy the little things, and you will find joy in every moment.

Read the first letter of each sentence. Self love. Self love breeds confidence, inner-peace, happiness, appreciation and so much more. You don't need another to love you, in fact as long as you don't love yourself then you can't expect another to. Find what it is about yourself that you don't like (if applicable), and change it into something you can be proud of and love.

Yeah, yeah another of the million topics or whatever about loving yourself. Well it's important to love yourself in the craft. It won't happen over night, either so it's something to work at along with your casting. Why is self-love important in the craft? As I said earlier self-love breeds confidence, but confidence breeds success (in magick and mundane).

Friday, June 14, 2013

Making Tools

Okay, we can't make ALL the tools, and I"m sure there are several posts out there that goes into great detail of making tools. So this is more or less just a list of tools that you can make, not all are obvious as to how, so I'll try to explain those in short simple descriptions.

Do not go out and buy a bunch of tools, chances are you may not need or use the tool you buy. Also making a tool infuses that tool with your energy and brings about a feeling of accomplishment and pride. So if you can make it, then make it. Not everyone will be able to make all of these tools but I will put a * next to the ones that should be possible for all or most.

Before I begin my list, I would like to talk about harvesting wood for the tools you make with wood. I prefer to find my branches on the ground, and test to see if they are brittle (by seeing if they break easily), though others cut the branches off trees they like after asking permission from the tree. I live in an apartment so even if I have permission from the tree, the tree doesn't belong to me and I would most likely get into trouble for cutting on another's tree. Some places I have gotten branches/sticks from include; the ground in a public area, my dad's kindling pile, the ground at my cousin's place and from the ground in my neighbors' yard. In all cases I asked if I could have them before I took them, even if it meant waiting a day or two. None of them minded, (obviously) but it's common courtesy to ask in case they want to keep them or have plans for them!

*Wand - Some wands will turn out prettier than others, but take your time and be careful. Various videos on making these, as well as pages, sites, and topics.
Besom - Hay fastened to a stick with branches on the end, feathers fastened to similar stick, a simple stick with lots of twigs at the end.
*Candle Scribe - A twig brought to a sharp point
Incense - Soak those sticks you get at firework stands in essential oils.
Candles - Thousands of topics, videos, pages, sites and blogs about this.
*Herbs - Plant the seeds, harvest the leaves, thousands of information about drying. (Food dehydrator)
*Tarot Cards - draw pictures as close as possible (any deck) on either blank cards, or note cards.
Essential Oils - Lots of information out there, probably cheaper to buy though from what I heard.
*Runes - Slice a thick stick and carve/mark the runes onto one size of the slices. Jigsaw is best, be careful if using handsaw.
Sewing - anything that needs sewing, garments, satchels, bags, alter cloth, the list goes on.
*Book of Shadows - already talked about this, and there are many more sources available.
*Book of Mirrors - Same as above.
*Witch Bag - Already discussed this.

If you cannot make a tool, try to find one at like a flea-market or yard-sale. You might be able to buy it cheaper there. If you are unable to find it, and actually need it, then buy it but only as a last resort and do shop around for one that is affordable. However, supporting a local shop also supports the local pagan community. If they don't have one that you can afford, ask them about ordering one for you and see if you can look through their catalog with them to pick one out you like.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wheel of the Year (Story and Thoughts)

"Once upon a Yule, a baby was born. He would bring about light and warmth to the kingdom of men, as evidenced by the days beginning to grow longer the day after his birth on the shortest day of the year. He grew stronger, and fed off of the candlelit offerings given to him on Imbolc (Candlemas). When Ostara came around,  the boy was now a Lord at the peak of his power and he challenged the fierce Winter King for the throne.

"After a long drawn out battle, the Lord became known as the Summer King and the woman who birthed him became a maiden whom caught the attractions of the growing boy. He courted her and they fell in love, getting married on Beltane and many danced in celebration of this event. When the longest day, Litha, arrived he was at his prime and his kingdom benefited greatly from it.

"The villagers celebrated on Lughnasadh (Lammas) and was grateful for the bounty provided by the king, as they feasted on the plentiful crops. However the Summer King was now growing old with age and the days were growing noticeably shorter as his strength weakened. The Winter King returned on Mabon and challenged the Summer King, and this time Winter won the war. Summer's wife mourned the loss of her husband, and days were now noticeably shorter.

"At Samhain, the former king died, unable to to recover from his battle wounds, and his wife realized that she is pregnant with child and understood that Summer's spirit will live in her child. When Yule returns, she gives birth yet again to Summer, and the cycle repeats for eternity."


You don't hear the other half, but I have a feeling that Winter goes through a similar cycle. I've heard some mention that the kings are fighting over the woman, but it was rare and I believe they both have their own lover and mother and are fighting over a kingdom to rule. I feel that Winter is born on Litha, Summer's strongest day, just as Summer is born on Yule, Winter's strongest day. Though many feel a call to darkness, and some stand in a balance, I feel that the Wheel and it's story is in celebration of the Light.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

An Altar

Oh, I'm sure you've seen countless of topics about the Altar (just as you probably saw countless topics interpreting the Rede). They tell you what tools to place on it, how to arrange them, and so on and so forth. Yet I'm different. In my posts I try to talk to the practitioner that has nothing, or that can't get anything. This one will probably apply to the college or broom closet witch that wants no evidence (or can't have candles, knives, etc.) but wants an altar.

So, what do you need on an altar to make it an altar? Some place a cloth on it, okay that's easy, bandanna, a bit of lace spread that fits, whatever. You need something to represent the god and the goddess. How about a bottle of floral scented perfume for the goddess, and a musky like scent for the god? You could spray the tiniest amount possible when you are invoking them. Or perhaps a little statue figurine of a male and a female and stroke them when you invoke them. Either works, be inventive. If something says male to you or female, it could work! (Just be respectful about it, and remember, others will likely see these items at some point.)

Now all you need is something to represent the elements. (Spirit is included for those that chose to include it)
Earth: Perhaps a plant, salt, or a stone. How about one of those mini zen gardens you can get at a dollar store for cheap?
Water: Bottled water, a blue gem, seashell, mermaid or fish statue or just a glass/cup/mug/etc.  How about one of those decorative fountains?
Air: Feather, Bell, Wind chimes, Paper fan, bird statue, or yellow gem. How about one of those scented miniature brooms.
Fire: Statue of some kind of lizard or dragon, a lump of coal, or red gem, How about one of those electric or battery powered candles?
Spirit: A purple gem, a figure of an angel or other spirit being, statue of your guide/animal or something to represent yourself. How about a religious symbol of any kind, something to represent belief or power?

The above is only guidelines or suggestions to help get you started in thinking on how you want to map it out. Only you can plan your own alter, as you know what you have, how big your altar space will be, and what you can and cannot display/have. Personalize it, make it mean something to you. They will not mind, as the saying goes "It's the thought that counts"!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

About Altars

Oh yes, You've read all about these. If you feel you already know everything I'll understand if you don't want to finish reading. However, you may also know something I don't (that you could contribute as a comment) or think of something I don't.

So altars... what are they for? An altar is a place where you honor your beliefs. You can use the area to meditate, and many use their alter instead of a circle for small or simple spells. An altar is also used as a worktable when a surface is needed for magickal workings (like blessing water or making a satchel). It is mostly used as an area set aside for the elements and the god and goddess and provides them with a place they can visit and rest at any time. If you are unable to have one (due to lack of space or countless other reasons) then an area in the room that you can keep clear of clutter and mundane stuff will work as well.

Some have permanent altars, one that is never taken down, and some have temporary altars, one that is set up only when needed. Either one is fine, you know what you can and cannot do. You don't need a special table created just for being an altar, any surface will do. Myself, I have used; A dresser, a desk, a headboard, a bookshelf, a floor, the ground (outside), a nightstand, my bed, a card table, a cabinet, a side table, seat of a car, trunk of a car, picnic table, and a coffee table.

When setting up your altar it is important to cleanse the area first. Most do this by smudging, or washing with salt-water, or sweeping (the air, not the floor). Let's pretend (again) that you have NOTHING in your possession that you can use to cleanse with. (Even though I'm sure everyone can get salt-water, it's not ideal for carpets or beds, and not everyone can get incense or has a besom.)

Place your hands flat on the center of the area you wish to cleanse, imagine the area full of murky gray smoke. A white light flows into you and out your hands to create a pool of white light around your hands. The light expands and clears away the smoke until it is full of nothing but the light. Now your area has been cleansed!

The set up of an altar is easy to remember, the tools go in the direction of the elements they correspond with. (Remember the circle? North-Earth, East-Air, South-Fire, West-Water, Center- Spirit). The God and Goddess go in the center, slightly behind spirit (if you include it), almost as though spirit is a person visiting a king and queen! You can find a list of tools and their correspondences easily with Google, so I'll save that space up lol. You can also find images of maps for setting up your altar as well (most mapped out facing east), but for reason's you'll see in the next post I wanted to point out where each element is represented in your altar.

Many altars face east, to welcome the new day. However some alters face north to honor the Earth we celebrate The choice is yours, but no (or very few at least) altar ever faces south or west.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Circle Casting with NOTHING

Okay, we are going to pretend you have NOTHING, no space, no tools of any kind, nothing but your body and a small spot just big enough for you to stand, turn, and sit down in.

  1. Find north, it doesn't have to be EXACT north, just as long as you are pointing in the general right direction. 
  2. Some start casting in the north, while others begin their circle facing east. Pick the one that is best for you, since we are using NOTHING but our mind and body you will need to draw this circle three times. 
  3. Hold out the index finger of your dominant hand and draw a circle in the air (be sure to go Desoil (clockwise, which is turning to the right)). Each time you draw the circle imagine a clear but powerful wall expanding out from your finger, then after each time it becomes thicker. (You can say something if you like, as long as you can hold the visual while doing so)
  4. Face each direction, and kindly invite the elements of that direction into your circle. (North - Earth, East - Air, South - Fire, West - Water). Then invite the god and goddess into your circle.
    (Some include spirit in their summoning, while others do not. If you wish to include Spirit as an element, it is located in the center of the circle and summoned last.)
  5. Do Whatever spell or ritual it is that you cast the circle for. You may also meditate, or go on a visual journey within this circle.
  6. Once finished, bid farewell to the god and goddess and be sure to thank them for their company. Then dismiss each element in reverse order from when you summoned it. Again be sure to thank them for their company. 
  7. Now it is time to open the circle. Draw your finger through the circle (going Widdershins (counter-clockwise which is turning to the left)). Unlike before you only have to do this once, as you draw your finger be sure to state that the circle is open, not broken. (Word it however you please).
You have now successfully cast a circle using nothing but your mind and your body. How did it feel? Did you notice any difference than when you use tools (if you have them)? I didn't think so. The only tool a practitioner needs is the mind, without it casting isn't possible. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Book of Mirrors

I should have done this post shortly after I did the post about the shadows, yet I only just found out about it recently. I did a Google search (yes, even this pagan adores Google lol) to find out more about it. Where as your Shadows is akin to a recipe book, in storing information, spells, rituals, and basically facts that most have access to your Mirrors is more akin to a private journal, in that nobody will have the exact same experiences, impressions, thoughts, or ideas that you do.

Having only heard about this, and not having one myself (though it will be handy) I have little to say on the subject, so this will be a less lengthy post. I imagine you should and do have the same options for what type of mirrors you have as you would and do have for your shadows. I don't think I'll include mine on my Stick of Shadows, cause if I was to let somebody I trust (such as a coven member, or family member) borrow my Shadows, I wouldn't want them to have access to my Mirrors as well, because I feel the Mirrors should hold things that are personal to you that you don't want to share.

So what will my Mirrors include?
Dreams, I will keep records of dreams that I remember within the Mirrors.
Quests, I will keep records of the results from Visual Quests within the Mirrors.
Reflections, I will keep records of anything I reflect upon that feels private to me within the Mirrors.
Notes, I will keep track of spells and rituals I perform and the results they held and my thoughts concerning the matter within the Mirrors.

Because of how many different folders possible, I will probably create a stick of mirrors (SOM) as well. Or perhaps if I feel it would be best to hand-write it, then I will most likely keep a book for each. Do you have a mirrors? If so what kind of stuff do you keep in it? If not, would you have one? If so, what do you plan to keep in it? If you don't want one, why not?

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Inner Temple

We all have one, but not everyone knows or have found it. You're inner temple is within your mind, a place you visualize if you will. No two temples will appear the same, but once found it will usually always look the same every visit. The temple may change a little to reflect yourself, once I entered mine and it was obviously night time (and night time outside as well) and another time I entered and found a bit of a mess to clean up (I was feeling upset that day).

To find your inner temple, close your eyes and think of what kind of area you would feel at most peace at. What does it look like? Is it in the desert, by a river, in a forest, on an island, inside a cave, or somewhere else entirely? Are there any structures there, or is it bare? Take a moment and just look around at what surrounds you, even if your visualization is completely absent you can do this. Perhaps you'll see everything in the first visit, but I doubt it. Even now I am still discovering new things in mine. In some cases, I have to walk a bit before I reach it, in others I just simply show up there. Do you have to walk every time, or do you appear right at it's core or entrance?

So now that you found your inner temple, what can you do there?
You can cleanse your spirit. If ever you start to feel overwhelmed or anxious or any number of unwanted feelings, look around your temple and see if there is something you can use to wash the yucky stuff off with (all inner temples have something within that will clean, a river, waterfall, pool, never emptying bowl of water, etc.). Wash all the dirt off and the unwanted feelings will go with it, leaving you feeling at peace.
You can begin your journeys there. Anytime you start on a visual quest, you can begin by entering your inner temple, then look around and see if there is some sort of entrance (such as a doorway, tunnel, cave, mine, a tunnel within the trees, etc.) again, all inner temples have something within like this. Before leaving your temple through the doorway, why not cleanse yourself first?
Meet with your inner self. Or any other Guide for that matter, send a request to your guide, animal, or deity and ask them to meet you at your inner temple for a visit. Perhaps send the request with the smoke from an incense or the flame from a candle, or whatever method you feel most comfortable with sending. Wait a few moments until you think the message has had a chance to be received then go visit your temple. Spend some time asking questions, or if your guest has the time, get to know them better by visiting with them.
Decorate! Yep, you can also decorate your temple. Find things within or bring them with you and create something to compliment it. You wouldn't move into a house or leave your room bare of decoration now would you? Make something to hold your items, or find a place already there that you can place stuff on (railings, a stone, tree trunk, etc.) and place on it items you make. Some ideas to decorate with include figurines or images to represent your guide, animal, deity (if you have more than one, be sure to include them).

Friday, June 7, 2013

Rede (4)

"With a fool no seasons spend, lest ye be counted as his friend."
In this instance I don't think "fool" means someone who is silly, but someone who lacks sense and gets into trouble easily. Another way of saying it would probably be "If you don't want people to think you're a thief, don't spend a lot of time with one."

"Merry Meet and Merry Part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart."
I've always felt this one was saying to be joyful and kind whenever you meet someone and to part on good terms. This will spread good cheer and kindness, and is a good standard to live by (I think).

"Mind the Threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times good."
This line seems to be a warning that there are consequences and rewards for all you do. So to think carefully before you act unkindly.

"When misfortune is enow, wear the blue star on thy brow."
The star is the pentacle. The blue may come from an old Welsh tradition where a blue crescent was worn on the brow. This line may well refer to psychic protection and recommend that the pentacle be used for this purpose.

"True in love ye must ever be, lest thy love be false to thee."
This is another simple one. If you are false to your partner (lying, cheating, etc.) and caught in it, the favor might be returned to you in a way it really stings. This goes back to the threefold idea.

"Eight words the rede fulfill: An it harm none, Do what ye will."
Your will is basically what you intend to do, if you intend to help (not harm) then feel free to do so. However if your intention is harm then it's not the best idea. This line has been picked at so much that I've heard insane interpretations so lets go back to the first line.
"Bide the wiccan law ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust." If your deeds are trustworthy and done in love, then you are more than likely doing the right thing. Remember, trust and love not hate and anger.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rede (3)

"When the Wheel begins to turn, let the Beltane fires burn."
This always seemed odd to me, cause in most wheels the year begins on Samhain or Yule. One thought I did have was that the year begins there, then when it turns the summer king takes over and we burn the fires in celebration of his power and triumph. The Summer king is thought of as the warmth of the sun and the produce of plants (berries, veggies, etc.).

"When the Wheel has turned to Yule, light the log and let the Horned One Rule."
The "Horned One" is the winter king, who gets his sustenance from hunting (stag usually) which is why his head is adorned in horns. At Yule he's at his peak and has taken over the throne, and since the summer king must die and be born again, we don't interfere. Besides, it's their battle. The yule log is lit to help the fetus form of the summer king gain power.

"Heed ye flower, bush and tree, by thy Lady blessed be."
This is basically asking us to not recklessly destroy plants and nature, and if we show honor and respect we shall be blessed.

"Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone and the truth ye'll know."
An old divination form was to cast a stone into a lake, and the amount of ripples will tell us yes or no. (Odd for no, Even for yes.) It was a favored form in the peak of the hiding times as it seemed so mundane.

"When ye have and hold a need, harken not to others' greed."
If you need all that you have and hold, then don't listen or give into others that are just asking out of greed. If you can't spare it, then you don't have to. Those that are really needy will be understanding, and won't be too pushy. If you really want to help someone in need, but can't, then perhaps you can find something that will help.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rede (2)

"Heed the North wind's mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail."
The north wind carries the cold with it, and often storms. I feel as though this line is telling us to be strong through difficult times, be it a natural storm or a dramatic storm.

"When the wind blows from the South, love will kiss thee on thy mouth."
South brings summer, and June the month in which marriages took place in honor of Juno (Hera). Warmer weather usually brings together couples. (You hear of Summer love, not Winter love). Fertility and love deities are more active in the warm weather, and bring people together.

"When the wind blows from the West, departed souls will have no rest."
The underworld was always described as being in the West. So wind from the west made it difficult for souls or spirits to travel there. As such it is a superstition that souls are restless on these days. (I don't believe spirits/souls are affected by winds.)

"When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast."
Sun/Moon rises in the east, new day/night comes from the East. New beginnings are from the East. Is it any wonder that people believed wind from the East brought a promise of change or something new?

"Nine Woods in the cauldron go, burn them quick and burn them slow."
In some versions, these nine woods are listed. Beside each is a line about their magickal properties. I may talk about them in a later post, I'm not sure right now. I don't think you have to put one of each of the nine woods each time you light. I believe these are nine woods allowed or preferred for the cauldron. To sum up the burning part, I always felt it was a warning to not get the fire too hot to damage the cauldron.

"Elder be the Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed ye'll be."
Another simple one. The Lady's sacred tree is the Elder, and it's special to her. Imagine how upset you'd be if someone damaged something special to you, now add in the arrogance and wrath of a goddess. Scary thought! Don't burn it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rede (1)

"Bide the Wiccan law ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust."
This line is the intro to the rede, and a nice opening. However, I must wait to fully explain this one, when I get to the post where I can explain it, I shall re-quote it.

"Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give."
The first half of the line says basically to live your life and let others live theirs. Don't let anyone control your life and you don't control their's.  The second have means to take no more than what you need, and to give others no more than what seems fair to you.

"Cast the circle thrice about, to keep unwanted spirits out."
This one seems simple. The first cast is with blessed salt water, the second with incense (or censor/smudge stick) and the third with your chosen tool (wand/sword/athame). Salt water holds the power of earth (salt) and water (water), incense holds the power of fire (burning) and air (smoke), the tool is your own power (some call it spirit or life). These three casts bind the circle with the five elements, and is a formidable shield against unwanted energies or spirits.

"Desoil Go by Waxing Moon, Changing out the witches' rune."
The Witches' Rune is a chant to call forth or summon something. So this line says to go desoil (clockwise) when the moon waxes and ask for what you desire to come forth.

"Widdershins go by waning moon, chanting out the baneful rune."
The Baneful Rune, is basically banishing things. So this line says to go widdershins (counter-clockwise) as the moon wanes and ask that things you want gone to be removed or diminished.

"When the lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to her, times two."
This is hard to interpret. When I first began practicing I thought of the "Dark Moon" as the "New Moon" but I feel for this interpretation, we should look at it as though they are the same. When a lady's hand was kissed, it was an act of respect and adoration. So this line is saying that while the lady travels in the underworld, gaining knowledge and wisdom, so too should we spend the time gaining knowledge and wisdom.

"When the Moon rides at her peak, then your heart's desire seek."
The fourth phase listed (see now why I thought the "new moon" was for the "dark moon"?). The moon at her peak is obviously a full moon, and is when we should ask for what our heart desires. We ask for things that we want to manifest, not just increase (as we do on the waxing).

Monday, June 3, 2013

Rede Intro

Okay, so while thinking about what to blog about next, I thought about the well known Wiccan Rede. Everyone has a copy, everyone has ready, but has anyone really thought about it? Tried to understand or know what it meant in each line? So I decided over the next several posts to share my interpretation of the version I have a copy of. I've read many versions and though the lines are different in some areas, the general advice is the same.

In this post I want to talk about the Rede. I don't know where my version came from, as it always said "Author: Uknown". I'm not even going to claim to know where it began, perhaps it began with the Father of Wicca, or perhaps it came from the first group that he was initiated in where he began to learn. Perhaps it came several years after him I don't know, but to me it doesn't matter WHERE it came from.

The Rede is a poem of superstitions and advice that is shared all through the religion. It's not a set rule, though many follow it like a law. The final words in the Rede, which I will get to in a much later post (or you can skip ahead of me and read it), is the only part of the rede that I feel was meant to be a rule.

So, get out your copies of the Rede and follow along as I do my best to explain the parts as I understand them. You may or may not agree with all I say, and you may have seen parts of it said by others. I don't know how many parts this series will contain, but it'll be a fun ride.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Magickal Names

We all pick a craft name at some point, or are given one. It might be near the beginning or after several years, but eventually we have a new name. Why did I want to talk about this one? Because Skimra Solskenn isn't my real name, it's my magick name!

It's a long drawn out story of how I got to this name, and I didn't get this name until years after I'd been practicing and down many roads. What the words mean is "Shimmer Sunshine" which makes me think of the sunlight dancing on a lake or other body of water. "Skimra" is my common magick name, but I have one that is more private in place of Skimra for when I am craft working. Is this necessary? No, I don't think so.

When choosing a name, it doesn't have to be in English (mine isn't), but it has to mean something special to you. It can be a phrase, an animal, but it should describe you in some way. Perhaps your a night owl, then "Midnight" might be a name for you, and if people have a hard time figuring you out "Midnight Mystery" could be workable. It doesn't have to be in english either you could put it in Danish "Midnat Mysterium" or spell it differently "Mydnite Mistery" or any other form that is pleasing to you. (That's just one example, and there are limitless possibilities!)

To make it more personalized, make a list of names you are called. No, not those teasing mean names that make you feel bad, I mean those names people you care about call you that make you feel good inside. Mark the ones that you are called most often, and the ones that ring out about you the most. Make a list of hobbies or things you really like about yourself (do you enjoy outdoors, books, acting, etc.) and see if you can come up with a word that describes that part of you, then change the language or spell it differently or however you want to make it more pleasing to you.

You could also take a name that describes what you aspire to be on the path, do you want to teach, create, inspire, inform? If you don't know, then don't worry you can always add another part to your name when you see where your path leads.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


There are a few words that are uses interchangeably but that I feel have different meanings. I felt it was important to share the meanings. I don't know why the idea came to my mind, but as I said in yesterday's blog "it's important to listen to your intuition".

Hear and Listen.
These definitely have a widely different meaning (at least to me). To me, when you hear something you're not really paying much attention to it. Like the rain pouring down on your roof. It is a sound that you acknowledge and nothing more really. However when you listen you are paying attention to the sound to the point that you still remember it a few days later. This is more easily compared to when you are listening to someone teaching you something you really want to learn. You pay close attention to the advice and instruction given by the person and you remember it. I feel more people hear and not enough listen, especially those that are my peers or younger.

Knowledge and Wisdom.
These are also different. Knowledge is what you know, and builds towards your intelligence. It's just facts, things you have learned. However Wisdom is what you understand and usually comes from experiences or thinking deeply about a concept/idea. It's one thing to know something, it's quite another to understand it.

Ignorance and Stupidity.
Ignorant means "Uninformed" and there is nothing shameful about being "ignorant". Unless of course you don't want to be informed and want to remain ignorant about it, that's when it becomes "stupidity". To me stupidity is when someone isn't willing to learn something. Like people who have formed their own opinions and refuse to be told they are wrong, those are stupid. However if that person is willing to hear the rest of the story (or the other side) and allow their opinions to be change then they were simply "ignorant". There is nothing shameful in ignorance, but there is in stupidity. There is a difference between not being willing to learn, and not being able to learn, that difference is that in one case someone tries their hardest and can't and in another they don't try at all.

I'm sure there are others out there, but these are the ones that come most easily to mind, and the ones I feel are more important to share. I know it seems a bit off topic, but I don't feel it is. One thing I think all religions should teach is that you should listen and not just hear, and that its better to be wise than intelligent. When talking to someone that thinks differently, I feel it's important to know if they are being stupid or are just simply ignorant.

Friday, May 31, 2013


Have you ever had one of those experiences where you were looking for a solution, then out of no-where an idea pops into your head that is the perfect solution? That is your intuition speaking to you.

Your intuition is shy, it's been (possibly) ignored for a long time and doesn't think that you will listen to it's sage advice. It is like a child that is always told "Shut up" or "Nobody cares", it is afraid that if it speaks up you won't acknowledge it. Like any child, it needs encouragement to learn to speak up again. So any time you hear it, follow it's advice and do what it says and eventually it'll start to speak to you more.

I still remember the first time my intuition spoke to me, I was 17. It was in the middle of a particularly hot day, and I wanted to go swimming for two reasons. (Because it was hot, and I love to swim!) However, when I suggested it to my mom, she said she didn't want to go get cooled off and then come back and get hot again by cooking over the stove, nor did she want to eat sandwiches either. It was too early in the day to cook, then go.

So, with the thought in mind that swimming was out of the question, I quit chasing the thought. The only thought I remember having is wishing that we could go swimming, and I was sitting on the back steps of the house we were renting watching our dogs play. Out of the blue my mind whispered to me "What about hot-dogs? They aren't cold like sandwiches and they cook so quickly that she wouldn't get hot standing over the stove. For that matter you could cook them, and she wouldn't have to." I was excited, here was a perfect solution!

I raced through the house to my mom and submitted the thought to her, with the offer to cook them myself if she still didn't want to stand over the stove. She thought about it for only a moment then agreed. I was able to go swimming!

Intuition comes from a combination of your own experiences and knowledge, both remembered and forgotten. So the advice is coming from within yourself, and ignoring your own advice... probably isn't the best of ideas, especially when you're smarter than you give yourself credit for. If you can't trust yourself, then who can you trust?

A more recent incident of my intuition talking to me (for anyone curious), was when I was making pancakes just yesterday. I make them from scratch and from time-to-time I like to throw in something extra like chocolate chips, fruit, recess pieces, M&Ms, etc. However we didn't have anything that I could add to the pancakes in the fridge. Then out of the blue my mind said "Cinnamon and Vanilla!" so without a moment's hesitation I said "Sounds great!" and went for it. The pancakes turned out pretty good.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Witch Bag

This idea came to me from a book I was reading. I don't remember exactly which one, but it was from the Discworld series one that had the witches in it. In the book it was called a midwifing bag and contained everything a midwife would need (and a few things she hoped she wouldn't need).

I don't carry a purse I put my phone, wallet and keys in my pockets and anything extra was carried in my hands. Then one day I thought how frustrating it was to find everything and get it together and ready to go. (I was carrying a lot at this time) and I remembered reading about the midwifing bag. So I thought "Why not make myself a Witch's Bag, it'll hold anything I need, and a few extras on occasion." and it was born.

To make a Witch's Bag all you need is a purse or tote bag from any shop. Something that is a comfortable size to you (not too small, not too bulky). I got mine at Dollar Tree and it's about half as tall as a tote bag with a little side pocket (mine is purple, but it can be any color you want). You can decorate it if you like, but it's not necessary. I plan to someday put a pentacle on that side pocket, probably one of those iron on's you can custom design.

Then put things in it you want to have handy at all times. This could be tools, journals, herbs, gems, (art) craft supplies, a book you're reading, and anything else. In mine I have a Journal to write in any visuals, a Styrofoam scrap-book to sketch in, a Steno-pad Notebook for any brainstorming, a reference book, a TINY Steno-pad for any lists I need to make, a TINY composition Notebook for correspondences, whatever book I'm reading, and a few extras from time-to-time. (Sometimes I put a drink in it and other little things I want to carry that day but won't fit in my pockets, and if I don't have pockets then it also holds my phone, wallet and keys. So mine's not strictly for witch supplies, but yours can be if you chose to.)

Now that you have your bag made, keep it in a location so that it's always handy to grab, then when you leave to go anywhere you can grab it and go!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Choosing a Shadows

There are many topics out there about making or picking a BOOK of shadows, something to write in or keep a physical copy of. However in this post I wish to talk about the different ways available to keep a shadows and then talk about the method I use.

Book of Shadows - Oh we all know about this one. You can make a BOS from a binder, or use a notebook, journal or one of the many blank books with fancy decorations for sell. Some type up their BOS pages and then print them out, while others stick to the pencil written method. The choice... is yours.

Stick of Shadows - This one I like to initial as SS. It's a lot like a book of shadows, except it's all electronic and kept on a USB data stick. There are many different styles and sizes available for these sticks, so you have just as much range to chose from as you do with a BOS. What I like about using a SS is that I can sort everything into folders, go in and edit my information easily as it's needed. I can insert pictures and images into the document and make a file for A list of all the herbs, or make a file for each individual herb. Also with it being so small and common it easily blends in, and can be easier to hide than a book!

Sketch Pad - This one I initial SPOS. The idea behind this is each day before bed, you sketch something to represent what happened that day or a replication of something you saw (like a sprite, or flower or something you want to capture). Around the image the person writes notes to help them remember what happened.

My Method - I use.... all of the above! I always have on me a journal to write in, and something I can doodle in just in case I am inspired while away from the house. If I have a vision, then I write about it in the journal filling as many pages as necessary, and if I envision or see something intriguing I do my best to draw it on paper.
When I am able to, I put it on my SS exactly as I wrote it. Anything additional I want to add I put it as a P.S. and number each additional (P.S.1, P.S.2, etc.). If I drew the image, then if possible I scan it onto the computer to put it in my stick, if not then I just keep up with it, making notes about what it was I saw and describing how it looked as well.My BOS is a Binder, sorted by Spells, Rituals, and Recipes. Those I keep on my SS and print out a copy to put in my BOS which I bought protector sheets for at Staples.

Find the method that works best for you, it may take years or it could be instantly obvious. If none of the above seems good, then invent your own! Keeping a record is all that matters, HOW you keep that record is up to you!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Correspondences and Meanings

There are several lists on the internet for different meanings for colors, totems, etc. However if you look through them, you'll find that many of them have differences. Before I get into the reason behind this though, lets do some talk about how magick works.

Magick (as many of us have learned) is powered by the subconscious mind, which then manipulates us and our surrounding energies to bring about the result we have told it to (the subconscious is also where messages to the deities are sent and received). When we are performing a spell, ritual or any source of magick we are telling our subconscious mind what we want.It is important to understand the language your own subconscious speaks. You wouldn't walk up to someone and begin speaking a language they don't know, so should you also learn to communicate with the subconscious mind.

Images, colors and feelings is the language of the subconscious mind. However each mind has a different slang it speaks (just as people from the Northern USA and Southern USA have different terminology in some areas). It is for this reason it is best to make your OWN list of correspondences and meanings. You can use other lists as guides to help you get started, as long as you remember it may not hold true for you and to edit any parts that doesn't hold true.

List any colors that you use or relate to regularly. It's best to do the ROY G. BIV  (Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet) to start then add to it colors that you also feel should be included (Pink, Silver, Gold, Brown, White, Black, Lavender etc.). Once you've made your list, start writing down thoughts and whatever comes to your mind for the color. Does it make you think of health, danger, children, joy, etc?

Do this with other lists. Animals, Food, etc. You might add to the list later on so don't worry about getting every single one, just write down the ones that come to mind. One list you shouldn't make on your own is Incense, Oils, and Herbs as those have had study gone into them. Incense and Oils are usually based on aromatherapy techniques and Herbs are usually studied thoroughly.
With Gems I use a combination of Premade and Personal. I use my colors to help interpret what it's for, then I go to a premade list of gems and combine the meaning. Like Tiger's Eye is supposed to be protection, but I go to my color list and see that the Blue means dreams and fortune telling, so with those two in hand I determine that Blue Tiger's Eye (for me) is protection during dreams and any divination.

It is important to use what works best for you, sure there are some that follow by the book but for the best outcome your own method is the one to choose.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wand Making

I decided to try my hand at making wands. I don't know why it just struck me to make a wand one day. 

This is the first wand I made, I made this just last Wednesday on May 22, 2013. I loved the way it turned out and the feel of the handle. It was SOOO comfortable. However the wand basically was like "I hope you know I aint yours." So frustrated I wondered "Whose are you then?" I kept thinking of a local friend of mine that was just starting her collection. After snapping this picture I asked if it was hers, it called to her so loudly that she knew it was hers from the image alone. So the following Friday morning I delivered it.

The Above image is the bottom of my second wand. I decided to try to use wire wrapping and crazy glue by itself to hold the gems on. The bottom has a turquoise on it, I don't know why but that's what the wand wanted.

This is the top of the same wand, I don't know the name of the gem on it and I'm sure the image is too small to see. It's got some pale green on it. For this part I also drilled a bit of a hole in it to hold the wand on it.

And this is the full length of the second wand. It's a bit bigger than I'm comfortable with, but this one claimed me. I feel I didn't do too bad with the wire and crazy glue (need a little more practice) and I plan to begin working on carving designs into the wood. I've got me a few sticks to practice with, all of which feels like good wand sticks. One of them wants an amethyst on the end (where it has a Y at, and it wants to keep that Y). 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Parental Troubles

Okay, so you finally told your parents you are a witch, wiccan or pagan only to have them not take it as well as you hoped. They have forbidden you from practicing or anything of the sort, or some other action. Either way they don't accept what you are. This is a problem that I didn't face myself, but think is important to discuss.

Find out what you can do. Do they just not want you practicing on the property, or do they not want you practicing at all. Regardless of the answer, RESPECT IT. This is very important, they are your parents and are doing their best to protect you from what they perceive to be a danger to you.

If they don't want you to practice your path, ask if it's okay that you read into it a bit more and do some research on the subject. Invite them to study with you so that they know what you are learning, can supervise what you learn, and perhaps in time they might be a bit more understanding of it.

If they refuse to learn with you, or allow you to learn there are other things you can learn that will help you in the future. I'm not going to encourage you to go behind their back, though it is possible to do so if you are creative about it. I want you to RESPECT your parents wishes, even if you're not happy with what they have said.

Below are a list of things you can study and do that your parents (no matter how against it they are) should be okay with that will also be useful in the craft later on. You can tell them why you want to learn/do them, but if they are completely against anything to do with the craft, then it's okay to keep it quiet.

Sewing, Cooking, Gardening, Carving, Art (in any form), Music, Classic texts (like Iliad, The Odyssey, and others that include some mythology in them).

Herb Garden for kitchen spices ONLY, Charity Work (no matter if it's with their church, you are still helping people), Environmental Work, Meditate, Work on Visualizing, Nature Walks, Gardening.

Adjust these lists based on what is available to you, and what your parents will allow you to do. With Meditation, I only want you to work on focal and not quests because then you would be practicing. Be as open with your parents as reasonably possible as you can, and remember to respect their wishes. It won't be long before you'll have your own place and can be as open about it as you like, or remain in the closet if it'll cause too much problems with your parents. The choice is yours.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Like with meditation, affirmations are something someone who has no tools would still be able to do. What are affirmations? An affirmation is a simple statement of what you want to change, but it gets tricky too because there are a few simple rules.

1. First off, one of the most important, you can't use any form of "no" or "not". These are negations and the energies won't recognize them. This includes words like "can't" which is a combination of "can" and "not", words like "never" because it is "not" and "ever", and other similar words.

2. Do not use any words with a negative attribute. An affirmation like "I am free of sickness" will not work because the word "sickness" by itself just sounds bad. Think about it for a moment, just the word "sickness" and see how it makes you feel. Not very pleasant. A better affirmation would be "I am healthy". Sounds better doesn't it?

3. An affirmation must be clear, precise yet simple. If it's too complex it won't stick as well, if it's too vague then the results might be unwelcome. So you don't want "I will get a job" because then it would take longer to manifest. Perhaps something more exact, like "I will get a job by the end of (week/month)". If the affirmation is to change something, like wight for example, then it would be "I am ___ every day" or "I will ___ by the end of (week/month)"

4. Last rule and the MOST important. You want to believe this affirmation, you want to convince yourself it's true on the deepest of levels. For that reason you are to repeat it to yourself multiple times, in a convincing tone. If you don't believe it is possible, then it will not work. You must be able to believe it can be done, then convince yourself it IS being done. If the energies inside you believe that you are really losing weight (for example) then it will begin to adjust itself to that reality.

Armed with understanding of how affirmations work, you'll be able to make your own affirmations in no time, and personalize them better to fit your needs. Affirmations don't need to be more than a sentence long, and so you don't need to worry about making sure they rhyme. While writing your affirmation, take a pencil and paper and work on it. Replace words as needed, reword it and rearrange the wording, and edit it until you have it down. Some of you might be able to toss an affirmation right out of the blue, but others may need to work on it for a while.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Meditation is so flexible, and it's something we can easily do with no tools. In fact, meditating is something that can be done by someone that just started and are eager to begin practicing. Thinking about that earlier, I felt that it would be useful to talk about the different types of meditation.

The most commonly known meditation, is probably the task of focal. Some people chant a word repeatedly and some focus on nothingness.
Chanting: The most used word is "Om" or "Ah" and is said repeatedly. During this they focus on the sound and feel of their voice as it vibrates through their body and fills their ears, until their whole world is nothing but this sound.
Nothing: The idea here is to block out all thoughts and outside noises. It is often done in a quiet place when beginning, which makes it easier. Some are so skilled at this that they can even manage it in a noisy place (like a concert)!

A lesser but still commonly known form of meditation, is contemplation. This is used mostly to entertain deep thinking, to understand an idea or a thought. The person thinks about what it means to them and if they agree with it or not. This is probably the most used form of meditation, since everyone has done so at one point in their life. Surely you've been asked a question that you had to think about before answering, while you consider how you felt about it, what you think about it, and/or how to answer the question to the best of your abilities.

Among practitioners of the craft, the most known form is a visual quest. In this meditation, you begin on a journey into the other world where you will meet with your guide. It is often used to gain insight on a problem, but is also used just to get better acquainted with the guide. You often have a clear goal in mind when you begin the quest, and it takes practice to be able to do this.

Probably the least known form of meditation is imagery. In this one, you focus on an image or picture until you can hold it in your mind. Sometime you manipulate the image (like I described in the visual exercise), while other times you may watch a rose bloom or close.

Combining contemplation, focal, and imagery bring about a new meditation. Magickal work. In this the person focuses on the goal, while imagining success in their mind, and contemplating how much it will effect them. In order of the steps, first a person will contemplate over what the goal should be and how it will affect them, then they focus on the goal and imagine it happening, using their will to bring it to fruition.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Visual Quest Tips and Visual Exercise

For years I'd have troubles with visual quests. I'd start on them, the image would flicker out and I'd restart the quest, never getting further than the first little bit.

However, a month or so back I did my quest differently. Instead of restarting when the image would flicker, I'd summon back the last thing I saw and keep on trekking. Instead of going back to the beginning when I thought I was inserting stuff, I'd simply ignore it and wipe it out going backwards to just before I inserted it. Y'know what? It worked.

I hadn't done many visual quests before that because I wanted to be able to hold a mental image for long enough to complete a quest before I would embark on one. It never occurred to me to do it anyways and just keep at it, so I wanted to make this post in case someone else was experiencing the same thing I was.

It's okay if you can't hold an image, or if you're afraid you won't see anything that you didn't insert yourself. Most quests have a bit of a walking bit as the start, at first I didn't think much of them. However think of the traveling in the beginning as warm up exercises. Don't stop just because an image flickers out, bring it back and continue on, and if you think you might have influenced part of it rewind just a bit and try to avoid anticipating something.

If you'd like to do some visual exercises without going on a quest, try to imagine something. My exercises begin with a piece of paper, then I change the paper's color, then I draw shapes on the paper. Sometimes I have a white paper and focus on changing the shapes and giving them colors, sometimes I have a blue paper with a yellow heart, or green paper with a purple star... I find this exercise easier and more rewarding than memorizing an object then visualizing it, because these are things more familiar to us and we can be more imaginative with them. I've also used this exercise to try to remember how to make something by experimenting with the paper until I've remembered the correct way to make it. (So far, I've remembered how to make a paper boat and one of those paper fortune teller things... I've yet to remember how to make a paper cup.. I don't think I made that one enough to remember it.. Maybe next time I'll try to remember how to make that airplane I used to always make..)

Monday, April 29, 2013


A friend told me I second guessed myself way too much. I forbade myself from looking at ANY books, topics, or anything that talked about the sabbats. It was hard to do, there were so many posts from people I respect and it was so tempting to look through them, just to see what they said. Though I stuck through with my goal and didn't look at anything. Yesterday I began making my plans, my mind was a BLANK, I had no idea what to do. So first, I began making a list of what I remembered Beltane honored and some traditions that I remembered from before.

Here's what I came up with:
Celebrates: Union between the god and goddess, the god is coming of age and his power is strengthening, spring is in full swing and is starting to turn into summer.
Tradition: Bonfire, May Pole, Morris Dance, Greet the dawn, Baking, Jumping fire, Bells, Last day to plant for summer.
Foods: Fruits, wild onions, mushrooms, berries, breads
Drinks: Juice, Wine, Water
Colors: Warm Colors (yellow, orange and red of varying shades)

I thought about that list while at the same time keeping in mind how busy my life is at the moment. I kept in mind that I don't know what I would have time for and what I wouldn't so I made my plans accordingly. This is what I have planned for Beltane:
Wake up early to witness the sun rising, dress in warm colored clothing and wear bell anklet. Make strawberry muffins for breakfast and drink some orange juice with it. Walk around outside and appreciate the nature. Make a chicken salad for lunch (include onions) and a tropical smoothie to drink with it. Light a candle for meditation and visual exercises.

These won't be right after each other but I do plan to do each. My alarm will be set to go off at 5:30 which is an hour before the sun rises. It'll be a warm day, up in the 80's, so I'll be wearing summer clothes. I may even do my meditation outside beneath the sun's rays to absorb it's energy and get a little bit of a tan before eating lunch.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Random Thought

I got to thinking and realized that once a long time ago, many nations worshiped several gods and goddesses for a variety of tasks. They had one for weather, sky, earth, moon, stars, sun, water, woodlands, merriment  family, and just about any other you can think of. All members of the community in these nations had a vast knowledge and understanding about these deities, if not all of them then at least the ones that mattered most to that individual. They also knew the names and purposes of each and knew which they should call upon for different circumstances.
Then one day a new religion was born, this one taught more about morals and what is right and wrong and simplified things so that there was only one deity to remember, one to understand and go to for help. They made it more difficult to "sin" and easier to atone for it. Perhaps they were just trying to help the people and giving them more time to be prosperous by not having so much. Perhaps it was some guy who realized that all the deities were a part of one whole massive being that was beyond our comprehension. However things got out of hand quick.
Those of the new religion began forcing their beliefs onto the others, damning and destroying any that still believed in the old ways. Crying out for truth and justice and purity of the world by removing the ones that weren't on the true path. People of the new religion didn't bother learning about the other deities, instead focusing all their attention on the whole to the point that they forgot the deities they used to know was part of the whole.

In modern days, many studying the mythology of any nation speak of how complex it is and how it isn't the easiest to learn all the old stories and tales for each. I've considered the idea that once a long time ago we were smarter (even if we weren't as humane and more superstitious) so that such a complex thing seemed so simple to us. It seems every generation things get less and less complicated and more convenient. Though we have more and more to learn, and school gets more challenging in each generation, we don't seem to need to put as much effort into anything as we once did. We can buy our meat rather than hunt it, we can buy our flour rather than grow and grind it, we can buy our clothes rater than make it, we can buy our supper rather than plan, prepare and cook it. Have we evolved to where a part of our minds is no longer needed and now lies dormant within us?