Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Visual Exercises

I talked about this a little before, but now I would like to go into more detail. No matter how much you progress, its something you're going to need to do on a daily basis, treat it like you would any other exercise you were serious about doing. Your visualization will improve and/or stay in shape if this is done regularly.

The easiest would be a piece of paper, nothing special about it, other than it can change colors! Yep, imagine it being different colors. Or perhaps draw a simple shape on it (circle, star, triangle, all those shapes you learned in kindergarten), and make the shape change colors. Or you could make both change colors (red star, blue paper).

Let's make it a little more complicated now. With a plane sheet of paper, try remembering (don't cheat and look it up, you'd only be cheating yourself) how to fold.. a paper boat, one of those paper fortune teller things, a sailor's hat, or a paper cup. Or anything you used to make a lot of as a child. Try to remember you're favorite way of making it. Once you get good at them, why not concentrate on keeping the paper a certain color (blue, green, any color other than the normal color) while you fold the paper.

Want to increase the difficulty of either of these, give it a smell, or a sound, perhaps a taste. Make the paper blue, with the sound of trickling water and the taste of the ocean, perhaps the paper feels like water or it's made of water! That is only a simple example of how complex you could make it.

Be inventive, if it's a mild challenge then go ahead, if you can't manage it then make it a bit easier until you can! Work on them regularly, perhaps you can focus on the simplest for a week and slowly make it more difficult. Maybe you want to continue with the easier ones while you improve on more complicated ones (good warm up idea). How you do it is up to you.

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