Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ritual Shower

There are many topics for taking a cleansing bath before performing a ritual. Basically to put salt in the water and wash off the negative energy by soaking and willing the water to take away all your troubles. However, not everyone has a tub, or even a comfortable tub and can only take showers. Here are some solutions to that problem.

One I've heard about but never tried, is a sponge bath. I don't feel sponge baths get me as clean as a bath or shower, but if you are already clean and just need to cleanse then it should work. You basically fill up the sink the same way you would for a bath, and use a rag or sponge to wash away the negativity. Some prefer this method because they feel the physical act of washing helps focus their unconscious to cleanse away the inner dirt as well (negativity).

A method similar to the one above, has you simply washing your hands, face, pulse points (neck and wrists) and feet once the sink is filled. This would be handy if you don't want to take off your garments for one reason or another, or don't have the time to do a full sponge bath.

Another solution is one I've been thinking up how to do for a while now. I haven't tried it yet cause although my tub isn't the most comfortable I can still use it for baths when the need arises. It's a shower version of the bath. In this one you need some shower gel, salt (or bath salt) and a container to mix them in. Then you wash yourself thoroughly with the mixture, and let the salt wash the inner dirt while the gel washes the outer dirt and the water rinses them away!

You could also go into your inner temple (if you are clean and don't need washing) and wash your spirit there. Remember me talking about that earlier? You could mime washing yourself while you are mentally in your temple (though you may want to do this by yourself!) washing up, if you feel the physical act will help it along, or you could just see yourself in your temple washing up. This is more for those that can't have the privacy to do a sponge bath, or don't want to take a full shower when already clean, or if the bathroom is already occupied and you'd rather not wait.

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