Sunday, June 9, 2013

Book of Mirrors

I should have done this post shortly after I did the post about the shadows, yet I only just found out about it recently. I did a Google search (yes, even this pagan adores Google lol) to find out more about it. Where as your Shadows is akin to a recipe book, in storing information, spells, rituals, and basically facts that most have access to your Mirrors is more akin to a private journal, in that nobody will have the exact same experiences, impressions, thoughts, or ideas that you do.

Having only heard about this, and not having one myself (though it will be handy) I have little to say on the subject, so this will be a less lengthy post. I imagine you should and do have the same options for what type of mirrors you have as you would and do have for your shadows. I don't think I'll include mine on my Stick of Shadows, cause if I was to let somebody I trust (such as a coven member, or family member) borrow my Shadows, I wouldn't want them to have access to my Mirrors as well, because I feel the Mirrors should hold things that are personal to you that you don't want to share.

So what will my Mirrors include?
Dreams, I will keep records of dreams that I remember within the Mirrors.
Quests, I will keep records of the results from Visual Quests within the Mirrors.
Reflections, I will keep records of anything I reflect upon that feels private to me within the Mirrors.
Notes, I will keep track of spells and rituals I perform and the results they held and my thoughts concerning the matter within the Mirrors.

Because of how many different folders possible, I will probably create a stick of mirrors (SOM) as well. Or perhaps if I feel it would be best to hand-write it, then I will most likely keep a book for each. Do you have a mirrors? If so what kind of stuff do you keep in it? If not, would you have one? If so, what do you plan to keep in it? If you don't want one, why not?

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