Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wheel of the Year (Story and Thoughts)

"Once upon a Yule, a baby was born. He would bring about light and warmth to the kingdom of men, as evidenced by the days beginning to grow longer the day after his birth on the shortest day of the year. He grew stronger, and fed off of the candlelit offerings given to him on Imbolc (Candlemas). When Ostara came around,  the boy was now a Lord at the peak of his power and he challenged the fierce Winter King for the throne.

"After a long drawn out battle, the Lord became known as the Summer King and the woman who birthed him became a maiden whom caught the attractions of the growing boy. He courted her and they fell in love, getting married on Beltane and many danced in celebration of this event. When the longest day, Litha, arrived he was at his prime and his kingdom benefited greatly from it.

"The villagers celebrated on Lughnasadh (Lammas) and was grateful for the bounty provided by the king, as they feasted on the plentiful crops. However the Summer King was now growing old with age and the days were growing noticeably shorter as his strength weakened. The Winter King returned on Mabon and challenged the Summer King, and this time Winter won the war. Summer's wife mourned the loss of her husband, and days were now noticeably shorter.

"At Samhain, the former king died, unable to to recover from his battle wounds, and his wife realized that she is pregnant with child and understood that Summer's spirit will live in her child. When Yule returns, she gives birth yet again to Summer, and the cycle repeats for eternity."


You don't hear the other half, but I have a feeling that Winter goes through a similar cycle. I've heard some mention that the kings are fighting over the woman, but it was rare and I believe they both have their own lover and mother and are fighting over a kingdom to rule. I feel that Winter is born on Litha, Summer's strongest day, just as Summer is born on Yule, Winter's strongest day. Though many feel a call to darkness, and some stand in a balance, I feel that the Wheel and it's story is in celebration of the Light.

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