Saturday, June 22, 2013

God or Goddess Symbol Exercise

"Having fully familiarized yourself with your personal symbol, relax to a meditative posture and visualise it as strongly as you are able. Then amplify the symbol in your mind's eye until it becomes large enough to create a seat for you to mount or relax into.

"Once you feel comfortable and absolutely secure in your hold, proceed as follows: start to rotate your symbol clockwise, slowly at first but increasing speed as you spin. Close your psychic eye so that you do not feel dizzy. You may find that you need to give the whole process a little encouraging push to start with, although some people who have tried this have gained momentum with a minimum of mental effort. The time taken is of no consequence, and will again vary with the individual. For a moment or two you will spin and then you will slow down, come to a halt, and land somewhere in outer time. Using your mind's eye, look around: the first thing you see will be an archetype appropriate to you who will greet you or give you some point of reference. In your terms of reference, it could be a god or a goddess, a maternal or paternal figure, a personality associated with the particular religious faith which has influenced your terrestrial programming, or a cosmic being. But whomever you see will represent the other half of your natural spiritual polarity."

Practical Solitary Magic, Appendix B pages 235-236.

Notes: When I did this and it stopped spinning I was alone. There was no one around and something urged me to walk to them. The one I met gave me an item to be used as my symbol. Perhaps they will point to something or give you something but they will help you after you have made it clear what you are looking for.
Don't be afraid to sit around and visit for a while afterwards, either by sitting (or standing) in companionable silence or hugging them. Take your cues from the person you meet and spend time with them, get to know the name or who it is. If you ask or are curious you will either be told or shown by symbols that you can't mistake. (Like winged shoes for Hermes, growing fields for Demeter, or a bolt of lightening for Zeus!)

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