Thursday, June 27, 2013

Interacting with Altar

Yay! Another alter post. However, it is important that you interact with your altar regularly. Think of a room, if you never go into it, or have anything to do with it, then eventually it will become stale, full of dust, and isn't as welcoming as you would like. Your altar is just like that, if you don't interact with it, and just ignore it, then it will grow stale, be covered in dust and won't be as welcoming to any deities or beings that wish to visit it.

Cleaning Altar: Not only should you clean and cleanse your altar space when you first set it up, but you should do so regularly to keep both physical dust and clutter as well as metaphysical dust and clutter clear from it. Keep it looking and feeling nice. It doesn't have to be as regular as cleaning a real room, about once a month should be just enough to keep your altar clean and cleansed.

Updating Altar: Think of your house, it has furniture and some stuff that stays year around, but some things change throughout the year. Decorations, items are added and removed, and more. Just like you're altar. You should keep it with the seasons, change the cloth (if possible) to match what season or Sabbat you are celebrating. As you grow and change, so will your altar. You might add or remove tools and decorations as new stuff and information present themselves to you.

Praying: No, not in the Christian use of the word. Any kind of spell work or meditation or wish. Perhaps light an incense on your altar and say "This day is blessed" or light a candle for a short time and focus on a goal or desire you have for the day, week, month or year. You could also just take a moment each day and say "thank you" for whatever reason, or to greet your altar and/or the deities and beings that are welcome there.

Those are just some basic ideas that should get you started and being comfortable in interacting with your altar. Perhaps you know of other ways, or you will discover new ways to interact with it. The altar is not a piece of furniture to be used only when desired, but something that should be cared for and visited with. It's alive... kind of like a dog or cat. Those need cleaning, company, and will grow and change with the seasons. You wouldn't ignore your pet, don't ignore your altar!

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